“Chasing Extraordinary” is the theme for all District 142 staff during the 2020-2021 School Year. We really did not anticipate a year that would be riddled with so many stresses, but here we are working together as a community, supporting one another, and making it through. Originally, when the theme was chosen, we pictured doing school very similarly as to how we’ve done it in the past. We have learned this year just how EXTRA ordinary we are as a collective educational community.
Aside from the challenges that we are all too well aware of, there have also been countless successes this year, starting with expanding our 1:1 iPad program for every Forest Ridge School District 142 student, from Kindergarten through 8th Grade. In spite of what may be viewed as separation due to the pandemic, many staff members report nurturing closer and more meaningful relationships with our families, as we balance student learning at both school and home. We have remained committed to keeping students and staff safe as we offer hybrid in-person and fully-remote learning options to all. Regardless of the instructional model chosen, we have gone to great lengths to keep our students with consistent teachers, ensuring relationship and stability that foster academic success. Weaved into every decision has been the importance of supporting the mental health of our students, staff, and families.
We are halfway through the year and there are more good things to come as we explore how to best serve our students and families. Please reach out to your teachers, your principals, and the District team in the event you have a question about your child’s learning. We sincerely look to offer a world-class education to every student and your feedback is appreciated. If we need to make some learning adjustments, or if we’re doing a great job… this feedback is critical to our continued growth and improvement. I will say, a kind work goes a long way and could just be the motivation your child’s teacher needs to be extraordinary that day.
Thank you for pulling in close and helping us recreate what schooling looks like. We are honored to spend time with your children and could not do this work without the support of our families. We have a terrific team, one that we should be proud of as we “Chase Extraordinary” together.