A Seat at the Table

There weren’t any table settings in front of the chair, nor any food on a plate, just a vacancy at the table.
We progressed through the meal, but I couldn’t free my mind or my thoughts from that empty chair. I kept coming back to the fact that I had space, and a seat. I’m sure if my family all took a little less, there would be enough for a full plate of food for someone else. Someone who needed it. Someone who could be sitting right there.
This is my thought for the winter break and the holidays: that we find the capacity to make room for someone else at the table, in our lives, who are of value, who could really use a hand. Someone who lives close. Who needs help. Who could use a jacket to endure the cold weather or a few dollars for a meal. A call on the phone. A word of praise. The gift of our time or at minimum a listening ear. There are so many ways that we could make a real and lasting difference for another human being.
We are all responsible for taking care of one another; that is the message and meaning behind the word community. We rely on one another for companionship and compassion… and those who have the capacity to help should step forward to do so. This is what has defined our community this year. Helping and supporting one another leads to the betterment of all…it makes our whole community stronger!
From everyone here in Forest Ridge School District 142, who so carefully cares for each and every student, to our families here in our community, we wish you the safest, warmest, and most fulfilling Winter Break imaginable. Thank you for your partnership and support as we do our life’s work together.