Our Kids Read
2021 Summer Reading Challenge
Starts June 1
Summer Goal For Kindergarten & Grade 1: 600 minutes
Summer Goal for Grades 2 – 3: 800 minutes
Summer Goal for Grades 4 – 5: 1000 minutes
Summer Goal for Grades 6 – 8: 1200 minutes
You may also acquire minutes by engaging in IXL – Language Arts
Follow your progress throughout the summer.
Earn your prize!
(Participants who successfully meet their summer goal will receive a SUPER READER t-shirt on the first day of school)
** Goals set are for the grades students will enter into in the Fall of 2021 **
* Students may also include minutes spent on IXL – Language Arts *
* Non-readers / beginning readers may also log minutes that someone else read to them * |
Participation is easy… and FREE…
- Fill out the 2021 Summer Reading Registration form by Friday, May 28, 2021.
- You will receive an email on June 1 that gives specific information about how to access and submit your official summer reading log.
- Beginning the first day of summer vacation, read, read, read! Be sure to log your minutes!
- Submit your log no later than Friday, August 27, 2021.
- Principals will pass out t-shirt prizes to “Super Reader” the following week.
Contact Mr. Ryan Nagle, Assistant Principal, Jack Hille Middle School
Phone: (708) 687-5550 x6105
Email: [email protected]
Let’s Prevent “Summer Slide” in District 142!
For most students, when the summer break comes along, the formal learning process often ends. Young people regularly experience learning losses when they don’t engage in educational activities during the summer. Such a loss is often referred to as the “summer slide.”
Nearly 100 years of research shows that students typically score lower on standardized tests at the end of summer vacation than they do on the same tests at the beginning of the summer.
The amount of time children spend reading outside of school is linked to gains in reading achievement. In fact, many studies indicate that it’s possible to reduce the Reading Gap in as little as 10 minutes a day.
Please join District 142 in its efforts to prevent “summer slide,” and help us mitigate summer reading loss for our students. Encourage your child(ren) to participate in the 2021 Summer Reading Challenge.