Free / Reduced Lunch Application
Online Free/Reduced-priced Meals Applications are now being accepted for the 2024-2025 school year starting August 2024.
Free and Reduced-Price Meal Applications National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs
Forest Ridge School District 142 participates in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs. Your children may qualify for free or reduced-priced meals. To apply for free or reduced-priced meals, use the Meal Time Apply Online parent portal
Starting in mid-July, emails directly certifying families that receive SNAP or TANF benefits are sent from the District Office notifying you that your students have been directly certified to receive free meals for the 2024-2025 school year, you SHOULD NOT complete an application.
For those parents who do not have access to a computer, or those who prefer not to use the online system, paper applications (available in English and Spanish) are available to download below, or ask for one at any of the school offices or at the District office.
Only one application per household, per school district is needed.
If you qualify for free/reduced meals either through Direct Certification or a Free/Reduced Meal Application, your registration fee is adjusted. Families that qualify for free meals, your registration fee is waived. Families that qualify for reduced meals, your registration fee is decreased by ( ½ ) one-half.
Families are expected to pay the Activity Fee and Digital Learning Fee for each student, the Hille School Band and/or Chorus Class fees, if applicable.
To access the Meal Time Online portal, go to This portal is for both Pay Online and Apply Online.
(You will need the student ID number to complete the application. The student number can be found in the Power School Parent Portal or call your child’s school office.)
If you do not already have an account set up, you must set up an account first to access the system. (You will need the student ID number for each student enrolled in District 142 schools to set up your account and also to complete the free lunch application. The student number can be found in the Power School Parent Portal or call your child’s school office.)
We highly encourage parents to use the Online Application (available in English and Spanish) for faster processing and to reduce paper overload.
Your online application will be processed by Forest Ridge District Office personnel, and you will receive your approval/denial letter by US mail.