Important Update: Information regarding SHIELD testing


  • Testing begins at Hille Middle School at 7:45am and the team will then move to Ridge Early Childhood Center.
  • For Hille and Ridge - Please make sure that your child does not eat, drink or put anything in their mouths one hour before drop off (this includes brushing teeth, mints or gum).  Students who have breakfast at school, will test and then immediately have breakfast. 
  • Testing at Kerkstra and Foster is scheduled for later in the morning, these students can have breakfast at home or as soon as they arrive at school.
  •  Your child will be fully supervised and supported throughout the process.  

What you can do to support testing…

  • Make sure that your child does not eat or drink for one hour before drop off at Hille Middle School and Ridge Early Childhood Center.
  • If you have a Hille student, remind them to go directly to the Teachers’ Lounge upon arrival each Friday.
  • Explore with your child to prepare them and answer any questions they may have.
  • Watch videos of collections at and 

Not too late to sign up for SHIELD testing

District 142 continues to provide all students and staff the opportunity to participate in free onsite covidSHIELD weekly saliva screening tests through SHIELD Illinois.  Only students whose parents opt-in for this free screening/testing will be included in this activity.  Consent forms can be found on our website at Please turn completed forms into your child(ren)’s school main offices. 

Create your SHIELD Illinois Portal account

In order to view your child’s test results, individuals should create an account on the SHIELD IL portal. 

  • Please use the URL and Agency Code below to create your portal.
    Agency Code:  df5brbrj  
  • If you are the parent or guardian of a minor(s) and wish to see their results, please first create a portal for yourself then add your minor(s) as dependents to your account.
  • Instructions on how to create an account are attached to this email.

Test Results

Parents will receive results from the school nurse if their child tests positive. No news means a negative test. Families will not receive notification of a negative test result. The school nurse will call the families of students who have tested positive. The nurse will then explain the procedures and timeline for returning to school and tips for managing your child’s health and that of your family.

Updated infographic – Revised 10/14/2021

Finally, to streamline all this information and to make it easier to understand, the district has updated the infographic highlighting: 


  • What are considered COVID-19 symptoms
  • What to do if you have symptoms
  • Quarantine periods
  • What is considered to be a close contact
  • Who to contact with any questions

This updated infographic contains up to date information regarding 

  • Parents cannot get an alternate diagnosis from a doctor that is not accompanied by a negative covid-19 test
  • Students who have opted into SHIELD testing can “test to stay” if they are close contacts within the school setting (not at home or through outside sports or activities) when it is confirmed that both the positive individual and close contact were masked properly at time of exposure. 

If you have any specific questions on these changes, please contact the nurse at your child(ren)'s school(s). 


As we have done throughout the pandemic, we will all work together to learn and adjust and improve. Thank you for your patience and your partnership in keeping our school community healthy and safe.
