Update on Quarantine Procedures

We have been working with ISBE, IDPH and CCDPH to clearly define for our families our quarantine protocols. Based on guidance found here:


With the updated quarantine protocols, we have also updated our Back Together Plan. This can be found at https://4.files.edl.io/5dba/08/17/21/214236-28e1feb5-6574-48d0-a822-b870b71f64ea.pdf.


Our nurses will work closely with our Local Health Agency and their building Principal to implement quarantine measures.  In summary current guidance informs us that:

  1. Sick children and their siblings must stay home
  2. COVID Positive children (even without symptoms) must stay home
  3. Anyone who lives in a house with a family member who tests positive for COVID should remain home  
  4. Close contacts with a confirmed positive COVID case  (close contact is defined as within six feet for 15 minutes or more in a 24 hour period, without proper masking) should remain home
  5. Unvaccinated children who have traveled internationally must quarantine prior to the return to school

If any of these apply to your child, please contact your child's school nurse who will collaborate with CCDPH for guidance on quarantine options based on your child's individual case.  


Ridge Nurse - Mrs. Hille, 708-687-2964, Email: [email protected]

Kerkstra Nurse - Mrs. Eichorst, 708-687-2860, Email: [email protected]

Foster Nurse - Mrs. Hanrahan, 708-687-4763, Email: [email protected]

Hille Nurse - Mrs. Igyarto, 708-687-5550, Email: [email protected]


District 142’s primary goal this school year is to get our children back in our schools and classrooms as soon as safely possible and to keep our students free from close contact quarantines. 


COVID-19 information is ever-changing and the district will continue to update our families of any changes to our plans, if they occur, as soon as possible. Thank you again for your patience, encouragement, and support.
