HB 3586

Based on the passage of HB 3586, we will:

  • Provide parents/guardians with "copies of all written material” that will be considered at the IEP meeting, at least three (3) days in advance of IEP meeting. This includes all evaluations and collected data, and “if the student already has an IEP, a copy of all IEP components that will be discussed by the team other than the components related to the educational and related service minutes proposed for the student and the student's educational placement."

  • Ensure that related service logs are available at the student's annual review or upon the request of the parent/guardian and "inform parents within 20 school days from the start of the school year or upon the establishment of an IEP of the parent's ability to request a copy of the related service logs." (Please consider this your notification.)

  • "If related services required by the IEP are not provided within ten school days after the "date or frequency" set forth by the student's IEP, the District, within 3 school days, must provide the parent with notice of the District's noncompliance with the IEP and include information about the parent's ability to request compensatory services in the notice." HB 3586 also requires all districts to use Response-to-Intervention when determining special education eligibility and redefines a student's "temporary records” to include information contained in service logs.

If you have any questions or concerns about this legislation, please feel free to contact me at 708-687-3334.


Dr. Lori J. Leppert
